The Mayor is the chief executive officer for the village. This is a non-partisan elected position voted on by the electorate every four years. Some of the mayors duties include; conducting council meetings, serving as an ex official member of all Mayor appointed standing committee’s of council, serves as chief law enforcement official of the village. The Mayor does not vote on any issues before council except if the council is dead locked in a tie vote. When this happens the Mayor must cast the deciding vote. The Mayor is required at the beginning of each calendar year to report to council the State of the Village, Submit to council for approval the members of council who will serve on the council committee’s and name a chairperson for each committee. The Mayor is also a member of the Villages Zoning Board and serves as a member of the Community Improvement Corporation.
The current Mayor is Don Stump | email:
The Village Administrator acts as chief operating officer for the Village. The responsibility of this official is to over see on a daily basis all operations and services provided to the citizens including but not limited to water, sewer, refuse, streets, sidewalks, village owned land, buildings, equipment and the employees associated with these functions. In addition, this position includes performing the duties of the Code Enforcement Officer, Tax Administrator, serving on the board of the Community Improvement Corporation, and providing assistance to the Zoning Board by attending all regularly scheduled meetings. A comprehensive report is submitted to Council on a regular basis outlining current and future objectives and detailing current operations and needs.
The Village Administrator is an appointed position by the Mayor with confirmation of Council.
The Current Village Administrator is Roger E. Looker | email: |
The Clerk/Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer for the Village and includes keeping all records of all official business of the village including recording the minutes of council meetings. This is a non-partisan elected position voted on by the electorate every four years. This position has the ultimate responsibility to account for all receipts and expenditures of the Village along with making timely reports to council regarding the financial condition of the Village. This official works closely with County officials regarding current and future income and must submit to the Counties preliminary and final budgetary reports. The State of Ohio mandates that each municipality is audited by the States Auditors Office at least every two years to confirm that proper accounting procedures are being used and that the Villages finances and records are accurately being accounted for.
The current Clerk/Treasurer is Brenda Selanders | email: |
The Village Council is made up of six members and is the governing body for the village. They meet on a regular basis to act on any business matters of the village and to set policy and introduce and act on legislation that would be in the best interest of the citizens. Council members serve on standing committees of Council to perform research on assigned task as dictated by full council and to report back to full council their finding and to recommend if any action is needed or required.
Council members are elected on a non-partisan basis for a four year term. Members serve on an at large basis. This means each member represents all citizens rather than only serving those citizens in their respective district. Two council member terms of office coincide with the term of the Mayor and Clerk/Treasurer, with the four Council member terms beginning two years after the previous two.
At the first regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year Council elects one of the six council members as President of Council. The President of Council serves as President pro-tempore of council in the absent of the Mayor and to conduct the duties of Mayor when the Elected Mayor is unable to perform those duties for stipulated reasons.
The Current Council Members:
Deb Warner – President of Council
Galen Balmert
Robert Daugherty
Darrell Swank
Jim Nicodemus
Michelle Lavey
The zoning board enforces the rules and regulations of the Villages zoning ordinance. The zoning board meets once a month to rule on any new construction projects or land use proposals insuring the proposed plans meet the zoning rules and regulations. A report of this board’s action is reported to Council. Any variance request of the zoning ordinance is referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board consists of five members, two are village officials, and three are citizens of the community. The board elects it’s chairperson from among the members.
Current Zoning Boards Members:
Don Stump – Chairperson
Darrell Swank
Dusty Yingst
Russ Sanderson
Mike Reed
The Zoning Board of Appeals hears any request for a variance of the Zoning Ordinance. Their findings for a variance request are acted on and are presented to Council for final action. This is a five member board comprised of village citizens as appointed by the Mayor. They only meet when a request for a variance is requested. A Chairperson is elected among it’s members.